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Misreading Pakistan’s crisis

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By K.N. Pandita

Pakistan abetted 26/11 Mumbai carnage is condemnable. No words are too strong. It is more so because of flip-flop manner in which Islamabad handled India’s complaint, and world’s silent reprimand. We would not see a better case of a house divided against itself.

But the manner in which our media, and especially the electronic media, has been responding to Pakistan’s domestic situation, which in no wise is reassuring, is something that causes worry. It is not only overdoing things but doing these in a crude manner, something that serious viewers would not expect from an Indian channel.

Some channels are telecasting sensational stories like the imminent demise of Pakistan, sudden take-over of the state by Pakistan Taliban, dismember of the state and emergence of four independent states etc. Even sensational reports about Pakistani nuclear arsenal falling into the hands of the “terrorists” are also widely trumpeted.  Continue Reading…