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A terrorist state clamouring for peace

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By K.N. Pandita

Hours before leaving for the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization meet, Prime Minister Imran Khan in an interview to Sputnik, a Russian news agency, blew hot and cold in the same breath. He began his interview like an astute statesman but at the end sadly watered down all the logic by crying foul against India on Kashmir. Did Pak army’s Zarb-i-azab operation in North Waziristan backfire in which nearly 70 thousand people including about 8 thousand troopers were slaughtered? No, and Pak army was happy to receive accolades from the Pentagon for the killings. Continue Reading…

India – Iran: riding the crest of political commotion

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By K.N. Pandita

India and Iran, the two Asiatic neighbours are the inheritors of a rich and ancient civilization. Their peoples trace ethnic commonality in the Aryan saga of the hoary past. Their dialects are sourced in the Vedic Sanskrit. Continue Reading…

Emerging political scenario in the sub-continent

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By K.N. Pandita

Days ahead of the parliamentary election in our country, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan remarked in a press briefing that with a right-wing government in New Delhi chances for the resumption of Indo-Pak talks would brighten. As such, the landslide victory of BJP and Narendra Modi – led government would be a consolation for Imran peaceniks in Pakistan. Continue Reading…