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The intricate deal of Chahbahar port

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By K N Pandita

At a time when India, after a temporary halt, resumed and accelerated work at Chabahar seaport in the Gulf of Oman, the Iranian Foreign Minister gave an intriguing statement that made observers raise an eyebrow. Speaking to the audience at an event in Raisina Dialogue 2021 in the second week of April, Javad Zarif said, ” We have made very clear to our Indian, Chinese friends that Chabahar is open for cooperation for everybody. It is not against China …. is not against Gwadar…..” Continue Reading…

Whose baby is the Tehreek-i-Labbaik?

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By K.N. Pandita

The anarchy and bedlam let loose by the extremist right-wing party Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) in Lahore and other major cities in Pakistan is the reward deservingly offered to the politicians of Pakistan. It is a stunning example of Frankenstein. Continue Reading…