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Subtle betrayal in Nepal

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By K.N. Pandita – Indian Ministry of External Affairs is getting exposed inch by inch in its handling of Nepal crisis. In the first place New Delhi was never clear whether it should tow the line of monarchy or of people in Nepal.

With its dubious role in Nepal over several decades in the past, India provided space to the Chinese as well as Pakistani intelligence agencies to fish in troubled waters.

For three decades in the past, Kathmandu has become the hub of ISI’s anti-India conspiracies. No wonder, therefore, many fundamentalist-terrorist leaders based in Pakistan, Bangladesh and other Islamic countries, could very comfortably meet and plan in Kathmandu with impunity and obviously with tacit knowledge of the Indian and Nepalese intelligence outfits. In particular Kashmir separatist leaders met with their mentors all over the world in Kathmandu not once or twice but throughout the decade and half of insurgency in Kashmir.

Never did New Delhi lodge a serious protest with the Nepalese government against the use of Nepalese soil by anti-India elements. Is there a nexus between the Indian and non-Indian intelligence groups? Are the corrupt Indian super agencies minting money through this nexus?

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Iran nuclear issue: miss not the opportunity

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By K.N. Pandita – Security Council is gripped by deep division of opinion among the Big Five on Iranian nuclear issue. It is heading towards polarization if no breakthrough emerges in coming days.

US is determined to rope in some of her European allies for a final showdown with Iran. On the other hand, the Iranian President, in a bravado of sorts, shrugs off the responsibilities that naturally fall on the shoulders of top leadership of an important strategic country. This eye- ball to eye- ball confrontational stance needs to be defused.

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Letter to the Editor of The Hindustan Times – Dear Sir, David Hirst’s ‘Original sinner’ (HT 5 April) conceals more than what it reveals. Reliable sources have confirmed that during Iraq-Iran war, Iran received large quantities of weapons from Israel via Pakistan and with Washington’s tacit approval. Iran cannot befool all the people all the time. Israel’s security concerns are very different from other West Asian countries that have ganged up against it. Iranian President publicly advocated Israel’s “effacement.” a religious duty of all Muslims. Who is the original sinner? K.N. Pandita, Mumbai.

Way out from Iran imbroglio

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by K.N. Pandita – Teheran has successfully tested fired multi-barrel missile also capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Responsible Iranian official circles show no relent in their defiance of Security Council’s missive. British cabinet called a meeting of the chiefs of armed forces to assess the situation if Iran’s confrontational stance escalates. US Secretary of State has brought in charges against Iran other than her uranium enrichment programme. The situation is heading towards a crisis.

Iran is a case of split personality. Her post – revolution history is, in part, a stupendous struggle for re-establishment of a lost identity. Swinging from one extreme to another extreme has gone into the construct of that society for many historical reasons traceable to pre-Islamic periods. Today the Iranian society is locked in a grim struggle for equilibrium.

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