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Letter to the Editor

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Formerly published on WASHINGTON POST , by K. N. Pandit,
re: response to article of Anne Applebaum: Obama not isolated, appeared in ‘Opinion”

Dear Editor:
Contrary to what Applebaum says (Superpower without a partner, Nov. 24) China earnestly though subtly pursues the three-fold agenda in a different style – anti-terror campaign, nuclear non-proliferation and country or country block alignment. She knows the language which terrorists understand and hence brutally decimated fundamentalist-terrorist uprising in Xingjian where nine of them were executed recently. She joined Big-5 in imposing sanctions on India for her nuclear blast in 1998, and she is a close ally of an Asian country with which she has a defence pact and which she supplied nuclear parts and technology to contain her arch-rival India. She created the SCO, a virtual strategic country bloc to checkmate growing influence the US/Russia in energy-rich Central Asia.
Nor is the US left a lone super power. In his joint statement with Chinese leadership in Beijing, Obama embraced China as America’s close partner in their strategies in South Asia. With this new alignment of two polar powers EU is put on defensive.