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Politics of glacial graveyard

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By K.N. Pandita,

Tragic death of 140 Pakistani soldiers who got eternally buried in the avalanche graveyard at Siachin reflects the horror of mounting military guard on the world’s highest battle field of nearly 5400 meters above sea level.

There is hardly a day when a couple of Indian or Pakistan soldiers guarding the treacherous heights of Siachin do not get killed not by enemy fire but by the murderous blizzards over the Himalayan scalp with mind-boggling speed of over 300 kms per hour. Pakistan COAS Kayani visited the site of the graveyard, found in person absolute helplessness of mortals in retrieving the dead bodies despite offer of all possible rescue operation by the Indian counterpart. He has suggested demilitarization and withdrawal of troops by both countries.    Continue Reading…

Mission little publicized and less open

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By K.N. Pandita

Sunday last visit of President Zardari to India was more or less underplayed by Indian media. More inquisitive sections centred on the point that it was a private visit – a pilgrimage to the holy shrine in Ajmer – and not a formal visit of the head of state.

When VVIPs visit a neighbouring country, particularly the one with which relations have remained strained since long, there is only a thin dividing line between private and official visit.  Continue Reading…

Step-by-step approach

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By K.N. Pandita

There is always very little to demarcate private visit of the President of a foreign country from his formal visit. More so is the case with the visit of the Head of a country in our neighbour with which we have a long record of strained relations. We have a number of outstanding issues with Pakistan, complex, sensitive and almost baffling. These are as old as our independence. Kashmir is not the only issue between us although for long Pakistan has been making resolution of all other issues conditional to finding a solution to Kashmir problem. That is not going to happen, and Pakistan seems to have understood, albeit belatedly, that the policy of hinging all Indo-Pak disputes to Kashmir issue is unrealistic.    Continue Reading…

Belated action ‘Faigate’

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By K.N. Pandita

State government will set up a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to go into the ‘Faigate’. It is a belated action. Aren’t they opening the can of worms? Police says it has a heap of information on the activities of Fai in late 1970s and 80s. What for does the police collect and keep the well-researched information in the cold store? The SIT will tumble upon a number of questions which the government will have to answer. Don’t think the task of conducting an enquiry into Faigate is that simple. And what will be the consequences? We have scams, bribery cases, evidence for them all, even confessions and then at the end of the day what happens? Is anybody held accountable? They cannot, because it is “Indian democracy” where press and media are free to put the county on sell out in the name of freedom of expression.   Continue Reading…