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Ukrainian conflict: a test for Indian statesmanship

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K N Pandita

The conflict between pro-Russian groups along Ukraine’s border with Russian Federation and the Ukrainian nationalists has been going on for more than a year. Russia had strong reasons to believe that the US and the EU were encouraging Ukrainian leaders to become part of NATO. Continue Reading…

Imran Khan wants TV debate with PM Modi

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K N Pandita

An interview with Imran Khan before his departure for Moscow was released by the media soon after his arrival in Moscow. He was on a two-day visit at President Putin’s invitation. Pakistani newspaper the Dawn of 24 February wrote that Khan would like a televised debate with his Indian counterpart on India – Pakistan relations. Russian foreign minister Lavrov had visited Pakistan nine years ago and a Pakistani Prime Minister would be visiting Moscow after twenty-three years. Continue Reading…

Unnecessary row over Padma Awards

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By K N Pandita

This year’s Padma award event has met with an awkward situation. Two things have happened and both have given the nation moments of anxiety. The first is the rejection of the Padma Vibhushan award that the government had announced in favour of the former Chief Minister of West Bengal, Shri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee. The second is the row over Ghulam Nabi Azad, the senior Congress leader being nominated as the recipient of the award. Continue Reading…

Tehreek-i-Taliban-i-Pakistan has not an easy go

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By K N Pandita

A by-product of Al Qaeda, the TTP claims that its armed struggle aims at establishing an Islamic political system in Pakistan based on the group’s interpretation of sharia, a task it says was the main goal for establishing Pakistan in 1947. Continue Reading…

Injecting pragmatism in Indo-Afghan relations

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By Kashinath Pandit

It will be almost six months that Taliban are back in power. The regime is stabilizing itself steadily and with patience. Its initial appeal to world powers for formal recognition did not receive favourable response. The past history of Taliban regime was a hindrance. But the time has come when world powers will voluntarily announce the recognition of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA). Continue Reading…